Thursday, May 15, 2014

Farewell Christina

Member of the Family

People spend a lot of time watching TV, it long having been the primary entertainment medium for the vast majority of folks. Investing in a series, be it dramatic, comedic or some form of the new reality is over a period of time that can be as short-lived as a season or last for many years. When a character like Christina Yang (Sandra Oh) is about to leave a long-running series such as Grey's Anatomy, which has played weekly in the living rooms, family rooms and bedrooms of faithful viewers over a 10-season period, there exists among those viewers a sadness and true sense of loss. Although arguably simplistic and maybe bit delusional to liken the event to real loss like a death in the family, it is loss nonetheless.
The relationship between a viewer and the characters they have come to know over time is a serious one, sustained by solid writing and other factors that allow characters to grow and become more human, even in the context of a fictional narrative. Such growth strengthens the connection with viewers who, over time, feel as if those they see on the screen are part of a collection of folks they know.

Mourning Becomes Electra

So no more Christina Yang, huh? And on her last episode, she gets to do the opening narration, usually reserved for Meredith (Ellen Pompeo), unless she or some other important character is either circling the drain or in the midst of a major story arc. When the season is over and Christina Yang sightings are reserved for party or private Grey's Anatomy on Netflix binge watching events, there will be a period of mourning among the Grey's faithful. Oh yeah, there'll be moments of wailing and gnashing of teeth followed by "why did she have to leave?" followed by much curiosity and guesses about what the producers plan to do to fill in the huge gap created by Sandra Oh's departure.

Thanks for the Memories

Perhaps at some point Oh will sit and take stock of her work over the past 10 years and while doing so, wonder how that work has been perceived. Perhaps also while taking stock, the actress will happen upon some of the many fine pieces written about the show and about her character and she will learn that there are thousands upon thousands of faithful members of the Grey's Anatomy audience who have truly grown to love her character's extraordinary presence and considerable contribution to the show they also love. If so, then perhaps also might she get that she is so very much appreciated for a fine body of work. Thank you, Sandra Oh, for 10 seasons of Dr. Christina Yang. She will be missed.

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